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CROPCIRCLE RESEARCHHoneystreet, Alton Barnes, juli 4th 2011.
One, two, three.Hardly anything is so challenging as a mysterious hiėroglyph originating from the strange world of cropcircles. I simply love to contemplate and work with this type of figures. Let me expose some insights.At first glance, the formation immediatly reminded me to an old Sumerian clay-tablet, even though it looked very modern. It looked as if a present-day script wanted to be unravelled according the ancient Sumerian method. So, what would that method be? It was about a few years ago that, through a dream, I had recieved an insight about how clay-tablets can be decoded. A method was showen to me in which one could speak of "unfolding". From a vertical center-line unrolled both to the left and the right side an image. As can be easily imagined, both sides were mirroring each other. About the Honeysreet formation, the two eye catching disks on the outsides directly spoke to me. I wanted to merge them together. So, it feld as if things wanted to be done in the opposite way as how I had seen the Sumerian picture unfold. By doing such, I gained a compressed hiėroglyph or key that has something remarkable to it in a mathematical sense.By folding the two sides, there have been formed four complete squares on a regular distance from each other. In the three spaces between the squares there are marks that can easily be read as "one, two, three"!Starting from the foldline, we meet a single connectionline from the first square to the second. This connectionline stands for digit "1". Next we find two diagonal connectionstripes in the passagespace from the second to the thirth square. Two stripes relate to digit "2" of course. As a thirth bridge, there is digit "3" made by three connectionstripes.The two made to one results in the appearing of a key here that points us to the fundament of all mathematics... The solution is really childlike simple, but untill this moment, I haven't found anyone on the whole internet that came forward with it. What is it that concerning clues about cropcircles, so often the honour is been given to me to show up with the release? It almost feels to me like another complot!Wasn't it Jesus Christ himself, that teached us to make the two to one? Didn't he state that those doing so, will enter the kingdom of heaven? Overcoming dualistic thinking is the great big task. As far as declaring cropcircle codes, the same principle is involved. Make the two to one, and fascinating outcomes will be the case. To confirm this even a second time within the analyses of this formation I will continue. The folded hiėroglyph shows another two disks. The little ones, of course, are begging to become united aswell.What tantalizes the imagination is the fact that again the digits 1, 2 and 3 will be found, this in the same logistic order! The digits can be made in a slightly differend way, but the idea about the amound of connection-stripes has remained.The outcome as given untill here is without doubt meaningfull, but intuļtion tells me that more information is hidden in this kosmogram. For example, one could, instead of the double folding, try to do a double (or even single) UN-folding of the basical pictogram. Another idea is about the researching of the lines involved. In particular the connectionstripes glance at me as if saying they are extra foldlines...
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